Ring Net Questions
As an engineer and taxpayer, I have many questions about the proposed ring nets. For instance, who pays for the maintenance and cleaning of the proposed nets into the future? Also, who has the liability if the presence of these nets is shown to have negatively impacted some residents or property below them? Are the designs of these installations going to be done by Registered Engineers?
Knowledge of the strength of the rocks that will be used to anchor these nets needs to be determined, and most “rocks” in these areas are not very strong for this purpose. A failure of a net could cause more problems below than the natural situation. Hopefully, the federal, state, county, and city governments are not going to be held liable due to processing permits. If that isn’t the case, a public process should be involved so that the public is aware of the full costs and liabilities.
It is understandable that the residents below these drainages want to do something to reduce the potential impacts from future storms. There should be a process to determine if these proposals are a “safe” solution before they are installed, especially if governments are going to end up having some financial responsibilities.