SBCC Seeks Community Volunteers in search for new Superintendent/President

The Santa Barbara City College Board of Trustees is seeking community members to serve on a Screening Committee for the hiring of its new College Superintendent/President. The Board is seeking two (2) volunteers to represent the community-at-large and one (1) volunteer to represent the adult education (School of Extended Learning) community. Volunteers should have an interest in and/or knowledge of higher education.
The SBCC Board of Trustees is expected to interview and appoint the community members at their Board Meeting on May 23, 2019. The Screening Committee will be responsible for reviewing applications and interviewing potential candidates for the Superintendent/President position. The Committee will recommend finalists to the SBCC District Board of Trustees for its review and final candidate selection.
At-Large Community Volunteers – 2 Appointees
The Board is seeking two (2) volunteers to represent the community-at-large. Interested persons should send a statement that includes their qualifications, describes their interest and provides contact information. The statement should not exceed 200 words.
Adult Education (School of Extended Learning) Volunteer – 1 Appointee
The Board is seeking one (1) volunteer from the School of Extended Learning. Interested persons should be currently enrolled in noncredit courses through the School of Extended Learning and represent the needs of our adult education community. Interested volunteers must send a statement that includes their qualifications, describes their interest and provides contact information. The statement should not exceed 200 words.
The Screening Committee will meet for training and, over the course of several meetings, to review applications and interview applicants. Committee members are required to attend all meetings. Specific dates will be determined with the full Screening Committee, but work is expected to begin in late May and continue into the fall.
Statements of interest must be sent to Luz Reyes-Martin, Executive Director of Public Affairs and Communications at not later than 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 15, 2019. Letters can also be hand delivered to the President’s Office at 721 Cliff Drive.
Interested members must reside within the SBCC service area and cannot be currently employed by SBCC, be married to an SBCC employee, or be enrolled as a credit student.