Hypocrisy Much?

This photo shows the center of Los Olivos on Sunday.
One person or group decided they couldn’t just leave it be for a couple of weeks. Let alone the full legally allotted month of June.
Some may say, “What’s wrong with that?” Well, other than … one group (the local Pride community) asked “permission to paint the town center crosswalks in rainbow colors,” and “permission” was granted. The other person or group decided to “give themselves permission.”
One group (the local Pride community) not only respected their right to celebrate during their rightful month of June, but also respectfully agreed to an abbreviated time allowance for their public displays and banners (Los Olivos and Solvang) so as not to rattle the local crucifixes too much. The other person or group did not give as much as an inch of inclusion or respect toward allowing even a couple of weeks of peaceful Pride celebration, without having to etch their own biases, beliefs, and protests into the equation, And, yes, this is nothing more than a biased protest, to be clear.
So who ever this person is, or group are, they couldn’t just leave it alone could they! They couldn’t just show even a couple of weeks in June of peaceful inclusion and compassion for a group of folks who live their lives differently from them.
Just to point out, there’s no real physical damage to be seen in this photo, unless of course, one is to consider — yet again! — the usual sad and harmful amount of disrespect and feelings of exclusion from one group to another. And it’s also just another example of why one group is continuing to shrink under the weight of bigotry and hypocrisy.
I’ll let you decide who’s the more disrespectful these days.