Walkin’ the Light Blue Line
Beaver Seeks Aid in Paying Legal Fees That Fought Project
Developer Jerry Beaver (above) is seeking donations to help defray the $35,000 he said he spent fighting Light Blue Line, the global warming awareness project withdrawn by its proponents in the face of withering scorn in late August. Beaver dismissed as “so much horse manure” reports that he’d use the money collected to bankroll those running against incumbent city councilmembers Das Williams, Helene Schneider, and Brian Barnwell, noting that he knew only one of the challengers, Frank Hotchkiss, and would make a modest donation to his campaign.
Beaver objected to the Light Blue Line-a proposed 1,000-foot-long blue stripe painted along city streets to show where the beach would begin if Greenland’s ice sheets were to melt and the sea level to rise 23 feet-saying it might create a stigma for property owners on the wet side of the divide. All legal research Beaver paid for went untested because supporters of the effort withdrew their plans to avoid a likely campaign controversy.