Esther Tran-Le

THE SHOW MUST GO ON: The newest addition to The Indy‘s roster of talented freelance arts writers is Esther Tran-Le, who ventured to the Circle Bar B Ranch in Gaviota this week to review Who’s in Bed with the Butler? Esther began as an intern and wrote her first piece, “Musical Tourism Goes Global”about the convergence of travel guides and world musicfor the Web site back in April. Expect to see Esther’s byline again soon when she’s writing about her favorite subject, music. When she’s not attending concerts or plays, Esther is busy studying, competing on the Southern California junior tennis circuit, or working at the Santa Barbara Unit of Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic. Tim Owens, executive director there, says that Esther is “one of our most prized volunteers,” and we at The Independent feel lucky, too.