Joe Bunting

NOT-SO-AVERAGE JOE: When wide-eyed Westmont grad Joe Bunting wandered into The Indy‘s offices a few months ago, we thought two things: “He’s so nice” and “Why does he want to work here?” A few assignments later, we realized even nice guys can have a critical eye. And though Joe has only had a small bit of formal training (“I worked on my high school’s paper, but gave it up after the journalism teacher yelled at me for writing an editorial about ‘sophomoritis.’ I thought it was really funny. He thought I was trying to make fun of people.”), his enthusiasm has more than made up for his inexperience. Aside from arts writinghe contributed reviews of Shiny Toy Guns and Improvability this weekJoe is eager to try his hand at all aspects of reporting. “I really like the idea of being a conduit,” Joe said of the journalistic process. “I take in information, art, music, and people’s stories, and then transcribe them in another form for others. Being a part of the flow of information and story is a powerful experience.”