Lindsey Cornish
GREEN DREAM: Lindsey Cornish may be nearing the end of her internship with The Independent, but she’s moving on to bigger things: saving the world. Cornish is in her third year as an environmental studies major at UCSB, you see, and that means she’s considering what she personally can do to help move the world toward a more ecologically friendly future. “There’s just so much to do,” she said of the effort to encourage more sustainable practices worldwide. Cornisha Manteca (CA) native whose middle name, Akiko, is too cool not to mentionmight seem familiar to UCSB students, as she’s worked at Silvergreens’ Isla Vista location for the past year. “Salads are my lot in life,” she joked of her appropriately leafy green day job. She’s considering Peace Corps work after college, but in the meantime will be enjoying the remainder of her environment-focused classes at UCSB.