Enterprise Beams Up Bass
Fish Company Delivers Santa Barbara White Sea Bass

The enterprising folks at Enterprise Fish Company (225 State St., 962-3313, enterprisefishco.com) are offering a true taste of our town: Santa Barbara white sea bass. That’s Atractoscion nobilis, by the way, not to be confused with Dissostichus eleginoides, which is sold commercially as Chilean sea bass. Chilean sea bass makes the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch “avoid” list both for being endangered and its high mercury content. The Enterprise dish-dreamt up by Executive Chef Bruce Choi with the help of Sous Chef Rumi Kamasawa-features locally caught white sea bass, Moroccan-style couscous, and a fennel-leek slaw. Several other Santa Barbara ingredients are featured in the dish, including olives and farm-stand vegetables. Enterprise claims its “goal is to stay connected with the community by turning local, fresh products into delicious, affordable, sustainable meals,” so look forward to other locally inspired dishes in the coming seasons.