Creek Week
Scheduled for September 15th – 23rd, Creek Week is an annual celebration of our local watersheds, and an opportunity for community members to learn more about local creeks through hands-on activities and volunteer events. Creek Week festivities will kick-off Saturday, September 15th to coincide with Coastal Cleanup Day, and will continue through Sunday, September 23rd. This 13th annual event raises awareness of the many ways to enjoy, protect, and restore our local watersheds.
Creek Week is coordinated by the City of Santa Barbara Creeks Division, County Project Clean Water, the City of Goleta, and the City of Carpinteria, with fun and educational events planned and hosted by many community groups and environmental organizations. Included in the week-long calendar of over 20 Creek Week events will be creek and beach clean-ups, habitat restoration efforts, guided nature walks, project tours, and more.
This year, community members are invited to submit designs for a Creek Week Logo! The Logo will be used in conjunction with future Creek Week Events. All are encouraged to submit designs by Wednesday, September 19th and the winning entry will be announced at the Creek Week Closing Celebration Sunday, September 23rd at the Watershed Resource Center. Full rules, guidelines, and submission locations for the Logo Contest can be found on the Creek Week website.
On Thursday, September 20th at 9:00am, the City Creeks Division, Horny Toad Clothing and SB Channelkeeper will host a beach cleanup at East Beach. Later that day, at 3:30pm, community members are invited to a presentation on Methods for Tracking Bacterial Sources in Arroyo Burro Creek and Project Clean Water Stakeholders Meeting. On Friday, September 21st from 1:00 – 3:00 pm, join the Creeks Division, The Environmental Defense Center, and the SB County Wetlands Task Force for a tour of Mission Creek restoration and fish passage projects from Oak Park to the Upper Caltrans Channel.