What’s Up, So Cal?
Does anyone out there feel as I do that Cox Cable is isolating the Santa Barbara Community from news other than that “happening here in our own community”?
I have noticed over the past year or so, that Cox Cable has incessantly ceased broadcasting the news channels from Los Angeles. At first it was intermittent with Channel 5 KTLA , then their broadcast stopped. I noticed recently (Thursday, Oct 25) that now KNBC-4 (ooh sorry! “8” on COX-UP CABLE) was not broadcast at the advertised time of 5:30 p.m. daily. Instead, Cox had an ad for something local. If Cox is going to do this, why don’t they warn consumers?
We have no alternative as Cox subscribers; Cox pretty much covers this area.
However, we can complain, which I’m doing. Not that it’ll do much good.
I know that a lot of other consumers besides me like to see news coverage from down south. I know that, with all their communication technology, Cox has techs in its “control center” and when the appropriate program is scheduled to be broadcast all the tech has to do is put down his/her coffee and push the appropriate button to broadcast that particular program.
I guess we no longer have Channel 4 (and yes! It is Channel 4, Los Angeles) thanks to Cox-Up Cable.