Westside Stabbing Sends Man to Hospital
Victim Expected to Survive
A stabbing on the Westside in the early hours of Saturday morning left an 18-year-old male victim hospitalized. Police officers responded to a call from the Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital Emergency Room at 3:49 a.m., according to a press release. The victim remains hospitalized but is expected to survive.
The stabbing — via “multiple assailants” — took place on the 1800 block of San Pascual Street where the victim had been walking. He afterwards made his way to the house of a nearby friend and was given a ride to the hospital.
Police have determined the incident to be gang-related but would not comment on whether the victim, assailants, or both were affiliated with a gang. The victim has not cooperated with the investigation.
A large fight on Cottage Grove the previous Saturday left four people with stab wounds. “There is no indication that this most recent incident was related to recent stabbings,” police spokesperson Harwood told The Santa Barbara Independent.