Summer Camp 2015
A Complete Guide of Activities for Kids in Santa Barbara

Even before I had kids, I knew they wouldn’t be doing what I did in the summers — hang at home with their sibling(s), or, when they were older, ride to Goleta beach on the bike path and stay the entire day. It’s different for kids today, and that’s okay. So let The Santa Barbara Independent’s Summer Camp Guide assist you in finding just the right activity for your very unique camper — from visual and performing arts to outdoors, special needs, and spiritual to every type of sports camp. Here’s to an amazing summer, and happy camping!
• 2015 Summer Camp Guide Listings
Coloring Contest
Enter The Independent Coloring Contest by shading your favorite drawing with your favorite hues. (You can download our raccoon cover for coloring here.) Send your entry to The Santa Barbara Independent, 122 West Figueroa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 — or send scan or digital photo to — by Thursday, April 16, to win a big box of crayons! Please include your name, city, and phone number. The winning drawing will appear in an upcoming issue.