Ideological Blinders
Our president has on more occasions than I care to count, expressed his hatred for the fake news media. He claims the accounts from these sources are America’s most self destructive force.
We all know that’s simply not true.
Making a statement like that while hurricanes flatten cities and earthquakes trap children could be seen as being on track for the century’s most asinine statements.
The last time crazy presidential notions ranked all time was quite a while ago.
Sixteen years ago President Bush declared war on a weapons-loving madmen with a penchant for WMDs and mistreating those who worshipped him. Sound familiar?
Saddam Hussein’s death five years later, like Osama bin Laden’s, was not a herald of victory over an evil axis.
It was a 2 a.m. wake-up call. The blinders the president’s wearing aren’t the media’s doing. They’re provided by poor security advisors and self serving ideology.