Phone Tone Deaf
Your report on the recent events at Bellosguardo lacks some perspective, and certainly writer Tyler Hayden seems to have failed to ask the very people criticized by the sources he did speak with. Using a KEYT interview is hardly having Jeremy Lindaman speak to the criticism. Why no comment or reply from a board member or at least their not having replied to an inquiry? Hayden has done better on other stories.
I have no knowledge, but it isn’t hard to imagine the challenges of bringing a 1933 structure and property that had maintenance differed for decades into compliance with what will be required of a publicly accessible place. How about asking Frangos and De Herrera their estimates on the budget for ADA compliance on the building, or timeline to change the zoning on the property?
By any reckoning, the resources required to do this will depend on the types of patronage the event brought out. All of the social media from the event looked and sounded like a well presented and produced event that generated a significant chunk of change.
How about making a few phone calls and letting us know what those who have the responsibility have to say?
Thanks for being “the Independent.”
Editor’s Note: Bellosguardo’s foundation president and board have never returned a phone call or email on this story with the exception of one prepared statement from Jeremy Lindaman.