Guilt and Justice
Those attempting impeachment will fall on their swords. The best strategy would have been for Pelosi and Schumer to stand up to the mics and cameras and say:
“We know Donald Trump is guilty of these charges, as does the world, key members of his party, and Fox News. He also knows he’s guilty. But the U.S. faces a crisis of public health, government, and economics, so we will leave it to the courts of civil and legal justice to bring Donald Trump to task for his crimes, public and private. For those who think this demonstrates weakness in the face of threats of more domestic terrorism, we say, and our police and armed forces say, Try it again.
“In the previous impeachment trial, Mr. Trump’s allies in these chambers proved their lack of integrity in failing to convict him, then, opening the door for those who would perpetrate this criminal travesty at the very heart of our Republic. Since those same iniquitous characters and political charlatans still lurk within these walls, blind to those facts of sedition and mob-rule tyranny witnessed around the world, in a second impeachment trial, while justified by the facts, and in the minds and memories of all right-thinking citizens, we know we cannot rely on the quislings to put the welfare of this Republic and the American people before their agendas to protect their own political hides.”