Local Author Honored in 2021 Indie Book Awards
“Darling, Letters from WWII” by Santa Barbara resident Peggy O’Toole Lamb has been named by the Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group as one of the best indie books of 2021.
Peggy O’Toole Lamb’s book is a finalist of the Military category in the 2021 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, the world’s most extensive book awards program for independent publishers and self-published authors.

The winners and finalists will be honored on June 25 in an online event that will stream live on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/NextGenerationIndieBookAwards at 7:00 pm (Eastern Time) and 4:00 pm (Pacific Time).
“Darling, Letters from WWII” is based on the letters First Lieutenant Frank J. Foster sent to his wife. Frank commands the 546th A.A.A. (anti-aircraft artillery) battalion in defense of Patton’s Command Posts as the Third Army pushes the Nazis back to the Rhineland in a crushing defeat. Frank’s letters to his wife cannot reveal his location or any battle information, so he writes about the weather, the countryside, and his love and longing for home and family. Through the research of declassified documents, diaries, and first-hand accounts, Lamb uncovers the untold stories of the Third Army’s sweeping campaigns across France, Belgium, and Germany, liberating towns and cities, freeing Ohrdruf concentration camp, and raiding Hitler’s lair, the Berghof.
The indie book publishing industry leaders, including many with long careers at major publishing houses, judged and selected the Next Generation Indie Book Awards winners. Their love of a great read and experience in the publishing arena identify books deserving a wider audience. Independent book publishing companies are independent of the major conglomerates dominating the book publishing industry.
According to Catherine Goulet, Founder and Co-Chair of the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, “Authors and publishers who compete in the Next Generation Indie Book stand out from the crowd of millions of books in print.”
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