Beautify Goleta Kick Off Meeting Scheduled for January 26
Sign Up Today to Be a Neighborhood Captain or Volunteer

The City of Goleta is kicking off its first ever Beautify Goleta team with a virtual meeting for the Neighborhood Captains on Wednesday, January 26, from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. There is still time to be part of this city-wide effort to keep Goleta looking beautiful all year long. Sign up to be a Neighborhood Captain or volunteer at After you complete the application indicating your interest as a Neighborhood Captain, you will receive an email with the meeting link.
Neighborhood Captains will take the lead on cleanup events around town. They will help coordinate, organize and run their local cleanups, and can be individuals, organizations or community groups. The meeting on January 26 will include reviewing Neighborhood Captain responsibilities, logistics, and brainstorming how to make Beautify Goleta a successful and enjoyable program. If you are interested in learning more, please sign up here.
Watch our video in English or Spanish to hear directly from the City’s Environmental Services Division on this exciting, year-long program.
Beautify Goleta originally started in 2016 as a way to help residents clean their homes and yards with free bulky items collections. From fall 2016 to fall 2019, the City held 16 events, collecting more than 60 tons (120,000 pounds) of material, of which 75% was diverted from the landfill and recycled or reused. Starting in spring, Beautify Goleta is expanding to a community cleanup program that will also host Saturday morning cleanup events every other month in neighborhoods throughout the City. The cleanup events can be tailored for each neighborhood to fit what that area needs.
We hope you will be a part of #BeautifyGoleta. Sign up here.