100K Homes Drive Might Be Welcomed
Leaders of Key Homeless and Housing Organizations Like The Idea
Consensus is building among leaders of Santa Barbara housing and homeless service provider organizations to launch a collaboration with The 100K Homes Campaign to get the most fragile of this area’s homeless people housed. How The 100K Homes strategy will interface with the city’s plans to soon offer housing to its 50 most vulnerable homeless—as required in its 2009 settlement agreement with the ACLU—isn’t clear yet. But high-level officials at The Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara (HACSB) said that the two plans–the city’s and the possible countywide 100K campaign—would likely merge into one coordinated effort.
That would be the ultimate white Christmas for the homeless, and everyone else who worries about them getting sick and perishing in our parks and shelters, because when it comes housing law and federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) policies, the people running the 100K Homes Campaign have a cache of tactical expertise not seen anywhere else in the US, or for that matter, earth. To read more, see homelessinsb.org.