Help the Homeless Infants
After Losing Critical Funding, Transition House Needs $40,000 by Mid November to Save Program
Homeless babies are suddenly faced with an even more uncertain future, as Transition House — which helps struggling Santa Barbara families get back on their feet — recently lost critical funding for its infant care center and must raise $40,000 by November 15 to keep the daycare program alive. The center was previously paid for by a combination of money from a local foundation, that has decided to divert its resources elsewhere, and the County of Santa Barbara’s human services funds, which had funded the program for many years. Six months from now, Transition House will be opening a larger center that’s able to house 25 babies, so the extra money is needed to bridge the gap between now and then. Keeping the child care available is critical, according to Transition House’s Kathleen Baushke, because it enables parents to find work that will allow them to pay for day care later. To help, see