Mural Unveiled in Isla Vista
UCSB’s Urban Art Workshop Paints Wall at 6674 Sueno Road

In an effort to bring art and positivity back into the college community, which has a reputation for partying and debauchery, students from UCSB’s Urban Art Workshop unveiled a mural at 6674 Sueno Road on Thursday. The mural was given approval from the landlord and Sierra Property Management. It features a sketch that various student artists worked on during the duration of the month-long painting, spearheaded by lead artist Jorge Alvarez.
The workshop, which is sponsored by the UCSB Community Housing Office (CHO), hopes to bring more art back into the Isla Vista community that will be able to remain permanent with the approval from landlords, unlike many of the street art pieces that get quickly covered.

Kat Frazer, student intern with CHO, hopes to see more art around Isla Vista to add vibrancy and art back into the college town. “At a recent staff meeting we were talking about how we needed to add a ‘wow’ factor back into Isla Vista,” said Frazer. “I suggested that we team with local landlords to put lasting art back into the streets of Isla Vista; this is the first mural of many that we hope will be in I.V.”