Yarn Bomb

Yesterday’s Yarn Bomb: In the maybe-you-missed-it department, a prominent eucalyptus tree on Cold Spring Trail in the mountains above Montecito was attacked with a “Yarn Bomb” for about one week in early June. The artistically inspirational pop-up creativity affair was envisioned by Stephen Duneier, who’s embarked on a series of 12 resolutions for 2012, including learning how to knit. The tree, which sits about 2.5 miles up the trail and 2,500 feet above town, made the perfect canvas for his newly knitting fingers, but Duneier also got help, as people sent in swatches from around the world. Upon taking it down, the yarn was sent to an organization that makes blankets for poor people. Why’d he do it? Said Duneier, “The beauty of the trails, art for art’s sake, and the benefits of a purely analog activity in a digital world.” Follow his year at 12for2012.com.