Obama’s Secrets
One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry at Nick Welsh’s recent editorial tip-toeing around the most recent evidence of tyrannical corruption by Barack Obama. For years, Welsh and the other editors of your supposedly liberal publication have hidden your heads in the sand regarding Obama’s
* continuation and enhancement of George W. Bush’s practices of prisoner-rendition-and-torture,
* continuation and enhancement of Bush’s practices of wholesale spying on American citizens who are under suspicion of nothing illegal,
* massive escalation of Bush’s government police actions against those who expose the country’s shameful deeds that have been held secret,
* seeking to make it legal for the government to lie to petitioners using the Freedom of Information Act as to whether the government has a document in its possession and
* keeping secret the government’s “interpretation” of the Patriot Act, so that no one can see and judge just how he deals with his country’s people
* continuation and enhancement – in violation of International Law and the US Constitution – of Bush’s practice of unlimited detainment of prisoners without trial and without charge.
All of this – all – was documented and in plain view before the election of 2012. Recent events have only expanded the evidence. I write this as one who voted for Obama in 2008, not having had the prescience of Noam Chomsky, who has said anyone who knew Obama’s previous record would have known what to expect from him. But I refuse to continue to be a fool or a progressive milk-toast, unlike the stewards of your publication and many of your readers.