Night and Day
When looking at the brightly sparkling oil rigs off of our Goleta coast during a clear night, it is easy to forget their purpose. In the daytime, however, it is hard to ignore the abrasive displacement of the rigs and their oil extraction procedures in nature. Both fracking and acidizing have proven to be environmental nightmares in areas where the practices are heavily implemented, resulting in water pollution and air contamination.
Santa Barbara’s Environmental Defense Center recently claimed that Venoco has been acidizing its offshore wells, a claim that contradicts Venoco’s statement in January that the company had stopped fracking and acidizing. These inconsistencies are extremely concerning, as it is evident that there may be loopholes through which oil companies can skirt the restrictions placed on fracking and acidizing.
As a citizen of Goleta who deeply cares about the place I call home, I support a ban on offshore fracking and acidizing. As a citizen of California who deeply cares about the environment, I support a ban on fracking in all forms throughout the state. We live in a beautiful place, and we should all take steps to ensure that it remains that way.