2nd Annual Beachside Praise Youth Event
“Prevention through Intervention”
“Prevention through Intervention”
Sponsor by
Life in Focus Education (L.I.F.E.) &
New Beginnings of Santa Barbara.
Food will be provided, special giveaways,
and activities, program information will be provided
Leadbetter Beach, Santa Barbara Ca.
Saturday March 22nd from 12:00pm to 4:00pm
For Information
Rev. Gerardo (Jerry) Menchaca
(805) 698-7049
E-Mail jerrymenchaca@aol.com
The mission of L.I.F.E. and New Beginnings is to empower the families and the community of Santa Barbara through education in order to resist gangs and substance abuse in their lives. We provide the tools of intervention and prevention through education awareness, while meeting the spiritual and emotional needs of our community.