Adoptable Pet of the Week
Fillmore is 8-year-old male Miniature Pinscher Mix. He is great with kids, cats, dogs, and just about anything else out there in this world. He’s house-trained and has great house manners. He enjoys spending his days snuggling up in his comfy bed with a blanket to cover his short-haired body. Great on leash and would enjoy at least two walks a day. He’s an older guy looking for a bed to snuggle near your family.
To inquire about adopting a dog, visit DAWG in Santa Barbara. DAWG (Dog Adoption and Welfare Group) is a no-kill not for profit dog rescue/adoption organization. For more information, call 681-0561. You can view more adoptable dogs at All of the dogs have been spayed/neutered, micro-chipped, are current on their shots, and have flea/tick/mosquito protection. We ask for a minimum adoption donation of $250 for young dogs (under three years), $150 for adult dogs, and $125 for seniors (dogs 8 years old and over).
For more information on our available dogs, call 681-0561; email,; or come by during open adoption hours, Thursday-Monday, 12 noon-5 p.m., 5480 Overpass Road in Goleta.