Many young, unarmed American men found themselves restrained by police while protesting the killing of a fellow young, unarmed American man — Michael Brown — who was murdered BY the hands of the “police.”
Some say it’s about “color”; I think it’s about “justice.” Some aspire to it; others do not!
Some say “respect the police.” I say, “respect those police worthy of respect” — those who “protect and serve” morally, not those who murder senselessly.
Police officers are men and women, and like all men and women, there are the just and the unjust, the moral and the immoral, the thoughtful and the thoughtless, the kind and the menacing, the truthful and the dishonest …
A life. A single human life. Do you know how precious that is? Singular and irreplaceable.
Some say it was “a mistake.” I say some “mistakes” just Can’t happen.