Immigration Flaw
The article on the “Trump Effect: The Surge to Citizenship” is absurd, e.g. vicarious suffering and self-flagellation by proxy. The theme is that poor Hispanic immigrants are horribly suffering and consequently are becoming citizens who are going to vote against Trump. Actually, Trump is the person supporting immigration laws and Hispanic immigrants becoming citizens or getting a green card. Is a failure to learn English and take proper steps over decades somehow proof of persecution? It actually reflects procrastination, ignorance, stupidity, and/or outright hostility to the law.
I met the writer, Melinda Burns, many years ago and heard about her involvement in Latin America and working with the poor. While commendable, I would like to remind her that the struggle of immigrants has always been difficult, but many have quietly had much more success. I have no particular sympathy as compared to the Chinese, Koreans, Jews, Indians, Arabs, Eastern Europeans, and others who have made it in this country. I have relatives from Mexico and Jamaica who have taken this path, i.e. the high road.