192 Bridge Work Update

Caltrans has revised the work and completion dates for the six bridges along State Route 192 that were damaged by the January 9 debris flow.
For the Arroyo Paredon Bridge, the pre-cast bridge deck should be lowered onto the abutments, whose foundations are being excavated now, by the end of September. Bridge completion is currently the end of November.
The bridges at Toro Canyon Creek and Romero Canyon Creek are on similar calendars. The foundations have been or are being poured, and the deck placements should begin next week. The reopening date for both is now the end of October.
Work to replace the rails on the bridge at Toro Creek will begin after the bridge at Toro Canyon Creek has been completed in order to keep the gas turned on for residents. Toro Creek is expected to be completed by the end of November.
Utility lines continue to be relocated at Montecito Creek Bridge, which has delayed removal of the bridge to early August. Traffic could resume by the end of November.
The repair of the rails at San Ysidro Creek Bridge was delayed from June to September, and the bridge remains a two-way passage.
While the $30 million repair work proceeds, barricades and gates block passage over the creeks for vehicles. Detours are signed along surface streets.