The Year 2019
What kind of year will 2019 be? Thanks to the left’s control of the House of Representatives and the media, it will be a dark year and Americans will be kept in a constant stage of agitation. There will be innumerable hearings, criminal investigations, and possible indictments.
Why? The goal of the left is to weaken, disable, and impeach President Trump and undo the 2016 presidential election results. The truth won’t mater. Defamation will. What is good for America won’t matter, either.
The Democratic Party and the mainstream media will do to American political life what they have done to the arts, universities, high schools, the Boy Scouts, race relations, religion, marriage, the moral fiber of American life, TV, and football. They will poison it. And then, when you throw in socialism, open borders, and censorship of conservatives by the social media, our country is in big trouble. Will 2019 be the year the left destroys the greatest country ever made? I pray not.