Pickles and Gigi

Pickles is a stunning young German Shepherd Dog who is very smart and social. He LOVES to play with dogs and would likely enjoy another enthusiastic younger dog buddy to play with. His affection isn’t limited to just dogs though. He is a lover of people and regularly melts our hearts when we take him out on walks. He is about 2 1/2 years old and 74 lbs. Pickes is waiting for the right person or family to come adopt him and be his best friend for life. Could that be you?
K-9 Placement and Assistance League, Inc. (K-9 PALS) is assisting in promoting Pickles and all the other German Shepherd Dogs for adoption. This week is German Shepherd Dog Week at the Shelter! For adoption inquiries call 805-681-5285 at the Santa Barbara County Animal Services Shelter, 5473 Overpass Road, Santa Barbara, CA.
To view more dogs for adoption, go to www.K-9PALS.org. K-9 PALS – K-9 Placement and Assistance League, Inc. is the all-volunteer, non-profit 501C3 organization dedicated to providing humane care, forever homes and advocacy for homeless and abandoned dogs in Santa Barbara County. K-9 PALS provides life-saving veterinary care, behavior enrichment, daily supplies, and comforts for the dogs of the SBCAS animal shelters. To donate to K-9 PALS to help in their great work go to www.k-9pals.org, or 805-570-0415, or info@k-9pals.org or at K-9 PALS, P.O. Box 60755 Santa Barbara, CA 93160-0755.

Gigi is a very sweet 1.5 year old German Shepherd who was rescued from a high kill shelter on the date of her scheduled euthanasia. This sweet cuddle bug has had an extended stay with her foster due to the fact that she had a surprise litter of two puppies (she has since been spayed) about a month after her stay began. The shelter nor the rescue even knew that she was pregnant!
This bundle of energy would do well in a home situation that has lots of room for her to play and with a person who has lots and lots of time to spend on her. A single person who enjoys extra long walks might just be the key to unlocking Gigi’s thriving future. An experienced dog handler who is confident in training high energy large breed dogs is a HUGE plus.
To schedule a Meet and Greet with Gigi, please contact Kennels 2 Couches at (805) 450-1010 or info@kennels2couches.org.
Kennels2Couches is a local to Santa Barbara 501c3 Non-Profit specializing in taking Large Breed Dogs from High Kill shelters to give them a chance at life. To see about other adoptable dogs or to become one of our much needed loving fosters and continue the mission, please contact Kennels 2 Couches at (805) 450-1010 or info@kennels2couches.org.
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