Terry Ortega’s Year in Review 2024
Events Editor Terry Ortega Shares Some of Her Favorite Stories of the Year

It’s that time again for our annual year in review series, when we look back on the year of writing that was, and share some of our favorite stories with readers.
Another year in the books, or in the papers. Let’s hear it for our talented staff’s dedication to providing the information that we all need to know. Whether highlighting the history of the area, long-standing businesses and organizations, and issues that affect the community, or providing resources that will make living in or visiting this special area better and more meaningful.
I’m so proud to create the annual guides: Weddings, Summer Camp, Fiesta, Halloween and Día de los Muertos (my favorite), and ‘Tis the Season, knowing that community members and tourists can go to one place for information to make their lives easier.
Here’s a list of some of my favorite pieces from 2024. Read them for the first time or again! Happy New Year!
Smell the Roses: Behind Santa Barbara’s First Tattoo Convention | Ryan P. Cruz and Xavier Pereyra
JJ Ortiz Pushes Through Cancer Battle to Bring Rose Garden Tattoo Convention
Fight for Freedom: The Chumash Uprising of 1824 | Ryan P. Cruz
Looking Back 200 Years After the Largest Indigenous Revolt of the Mission Period
Honoring the Dead, Celebrating Life with Día de Muertos | Ryan P. Cruz, Photos by Ingrid Bostrom
Making an Ofrenda, Learning the Traditions of Day of the Dead
Santa Barbara Celebrates James Joyce and Ulysses | Nick Welsh & Indy Staff
Bloomsday, Censorship, Dirty Books, and Dirty Minds
Not as Easy as ABC: Santa Barbara Schools Tackle Literacy | Callie Fausey
New Reading Program Combines Phonetics with Good Literature
And, of course, the Guides
Santa Barbara Wedding Resource Guide 2024