Sandra Brown for Sheriff
After talking with both candidates, I find Sergeant Sandra Brown possessed of unwavering integrity, excellent character and humility. My decision was easy. I am supporting Sandra Brown!
Under Bill Brown, rapes, robberies and murders have increased in Santa Barbara County while nationwide these crimes have decreased. Santa Barbara County is not poor — resources are not the issue. The issue is leadership. Under Sandra Brown, Isla Vista crime decreased over 50 percent, sexual assaults over 70 percent!
The sheriff should be someone we can trust to make decisions in the best interest of the citizens; who will act professionally to serve and protect the people. Sandra Brown will bring strong leadership and experience and will involve the community. Bill Brown seemingly spends more time being a politician than he does a sheriff and treats citizens, not as partners in protecting our community, but as subjects to be ruled.
“Leaders we admire do not place themselves at the center; they place others there. They do not seek the attention of people; they give it to others. They do not focus on satisfying their own aims and desires; they look for ways to respond to the needs and interests of their constituents. They are not self-centered; they concentrate on the constituent. … In serving a purpose, leaders strengthen credibility by demonstrating that they are not in it for themselves. … Being a servant may not be what many leaders had in mind when they choose to take responsibility. … but serving others is the most glorious and rewarding of all leadership tasks.” —James Kouzes and Barry Posner.
Sandra Brown brings leadership, integrity. management skills, and an understanding of what it means to serve. She will not change who she is because of the political office she will hold.
Please support Sandra Brown as the next sheriff of Santa Barbara County.