The Old Paseo Nuevo
I read with interest the story about Paseo Nuevo being considered for housing units, remembering when I worked for La Cumbre Savings Bank that was a part of the center and the shenanigans that took place to get the center opened. It was a grand idea but a bit too much for S.B.’s ongoing growing pains.
We at the bank hosted a Business After Hours. Some of the center’s “big wigs” attended the event with many boasting, shaking hands, and congratulating themselves on the project and its future success. It was a happy time as the anticipation of such an ambitious endeavor would be a boon for our “Riviera by the Sea.” We celebrated.
It is heart-warming to think that the now defunct shopping center will provide much needed housing to my hometown. Hopefully the rental prices won’t be prohibitive to residents.
Is there such a thing as affordable housing in Santa Barbara? Me thinks not. That’s the sad part of this commentary.
I remain hopeful.